Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A $10,000 a month Asset Income is worth $2,000,000.

What if building your Network Marketing Empire was actually fun and easy?

We can show you how it actually is fun and easy.

How? By changing the way you get paid and by altering your MOTIVATION.

The biggest motivational challenge in MLM is that the cash flow vs. effort ratio in the first few years is demotivating for most people. They work 10-20 hours a week for meager wages.

“Where is all the big money I was promised?” they cry, and then they quit.

Why? Because they didn’t take the time to understand the inner workings and the mathematics of our business model. They saved up everything they had, went through the horrible process of getting a mortgage, bought a rental house and cried, “Where is my real estate wealth?”

Here is how we are going to change your motivation and the way you get paid:

Follow these expectations.

Number One:
A $10,000 a month Asset Income from your Network Marketing business carries a Net Worth value of at least $2,000,000. Learn to know this

You would have to have $2,000,000 in real estate rental EQUITY to earn $10,000 in net rent a month or $2,000,000 in liquid dividend paying assets to earn that in passive income. IF you build your MLM business in a company that has proven it will pay you, proven that it is here for the long haul and its products are proven to be in demand long term, then your $10,000 a month in Asset Income is worth $2,000,000 period. Learn to know it.

Number Two:
If you personally sponsor/enroll (depending on your type of comp plan) 100 Business Builders, not wholesale customers but people that join with the intention of building their own empire, in two years you will set in motion a dynamic of leadership, momentum, duplication and geometric growth that will result in an Asset Income of $10,000 a month or far more. It will take a few more years, perhaps a total of 4-5 years to develop, and you have to work it intensely for all those years … motivating, training, supporting and replacing people as they fall away. Learn to know this:  100 personally sponsored people in 24 months will result in at least $10,000 month in Asset Income.

Ask any number of successful Network Marketing leaders about this equation … 100 builders in 24 months and 2-3 more years of leadership and support. Ask them what your income would be in any legitimate company. Most will tell you twice that income.

Number Three:
How do you personally sponsor 100 people in 24 months? Simple. Do three presentations a week. Just three. Three lunches. Three coffees. Three dinners. Three Webinars or any combination of the above. The first week you do three presentations, you may not be that well versed. Maybe not even by the second or third week. But, after doing 10-15 presentations on your income opportunity, you will be MORE fluid, confident and effective at enrolling people than 95% of the people in your company. Ask any leader. Why? Because 95% of people never do 15 presentations.

Your enrollment ratio after just a few weeks will be one out of three, or better. And we are not talking about wholesale customers. We are talking about one new person a week that joins you with the full intention of building a business just like you are building, and said person ordering the business building pack that represents that intention. One a week. Learn to know it.

Number Four:
How do you get three people a week to sit down and listen/look at your presentation? Simple. Invite 14 people a week to do so. Just ask them to look. Don’t ask them to use your product or join your deal. Just find out WHY they might want to … what is their pain or gain issue, and then ask them to look.  
“Need to send you kid to college? Cannot really afford it?”
“ I know exactly how you can get that done Mary … would that interest you enough just to take a quick look?”

14 times a week. Two a day or 14 on Saturday morning.

The first week or two or three you do this you may not get three to actually take a look. You will be practicing and learning and getting comfortable. By week four you will be doing it as fluidly as you do everything else in life like getting up, eating breakfast, or driving to work. You will be a natural, curious Networker and you will easily engage people while learning what is going on in their lives. And then, you will ask them if they are interested in seeing a possible solution … easy peasy.   
14 a week. Learn to know it.

Number Five:
A $10,000 a month Asset Income is worth $2,000,000. Do you know that?
14 invites a week is 728 a year or 1,456 over two years.
1,456 invites equals 300 presentations equals 100 personally sponsored business builders in the next 24 months (think compression and momentum).
Do the math.  Each Invite is worth $1,400. Each Presentation is worth $6,500. Each new person that declares their intention to build with you is worth $20,000.

Number Six:
Could you, and would you invite 14 people a week to look at your opportunity if your company paid you $1,400 for each of them…but only if you hit the 14 mark every week? That’s $20,000 a week. Would you? Know it.

Number Seven:
Who would you talk to? What would you say to them? What would you do if they said “no”?
We make this profession hard because of how we think about it. And because we make it hard, it becomes hard and we don’t do much to make the opportunity work. Hard becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. But if we understood the economics and the math so well that we actually understood how fun and easy Network Marketing can be, how much more would we make of the opportunity?

You might say that the odds are against you, and you would be right. The odds of you learning to know these expectations are against you, but they are not external odds. They are internal odds that you stack against yourself. You CAN unstack them and rebuild an expectation and belief that will actually serve you.

Do you know what the aerodynamic odds are of a bumble bee flying, given its weight and wing span? Zero. It is actually impossible. Good thing for them, they don’t read.
You might ask what the average person earns. The answer is nothing. Average people make it hard and don’t ever get out of the batter’s box.

So let’s say you earn just 1/3 as much as the example above.
What if everyone you invited was worth $500? What would you do then?
When you give each activity the right value—a reward high enough to make it easy, fun and worth it—then easy, fun and worth it become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
– Richard

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