Sunday, September 30, 2012

First bites, most calories: what we eat most of when we’re hungry

By Susan Bowerman , September 27, 2012
Tuck into low calorie options first and you may eat less overall,
The foods you eat first at a meal can affect how many calories you eat overall.
Picture this: it’s lunchtime, and you’re really, really hungry.  You woke up late, you skipped breakfast, and you’ve been going all morning without a chance to grab a snack.  It’s finally time to eat, and you’re facing a buffet – some starchy foods, some proteins, and some veggies.  You load up your plate, sit down, and raise your fork – anxious to dig in.  Now, imagine what happens next, as you stare down at your meat, your starch and your vegetables.  Which food do you dive into first?

How Can I Keep Better Track of What I Eat?

 Thorin Klosowski

How Can I Keep Better Track of What I Eat?
Dear Lifehacker,
I've been trying to eat healthy, but I'm having a hard time keeping track of everything I need to know. Is there a way I can use my computer or smartphone to eat better?
Trying to Eat Right
Dear TER,
Eating healthy is always a bit tough, and while everyone's definition of "healthy" is slightly different, you can easily track what you're eating and get an idea of where you can improve. While a billion dieting apps exist, this is less about losing weight, and more about knowing more about the foods you're eating, how they're affecting your body in the long run, and using technology to keep yourself on track. There's no magic bullet for perfect health, but you can use technology to get a much better idea of your overall eating habits, and find the best ways to achieve the goals you want.

Track What You Eat for a Better View of Your Health

How Can I Keep Better Track of What I Eat?

Friday, September 21, 2012

Don’t like plain water? Here’s how to get your 8 glasses a day
Posted By Susan Bowerman On September 20, 2012 @ 7:30 am
Does coffee count towards you daily liquid consumption? DiscoverGoodNutrition.comWater is important for your health, but do other beverages count toward meeting your daily fluid needs?
You’ve probably heard the old expression, “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”.  Well, I’ve got plenty of clients who are just like that horse.  They knowwater is important to their health and they’ve heard the common advice that they should drink about 8 glasses of water a day. But, as one client said to me recently, “this is going to sound strange, but I just hate water – there’s no way I can choke down 8 glasses of plain water a day”.  Which leads to the question: does it have to be plain water?  Do any other beverages count?
In a word, yes – other beverages do count towards your daily liquid consumption.  Many people take the water advice a bit too literally and assume that, even if they are drinking other beverages, they still need to drink 8 glasses of plain water too.